SSIS-796 What was caught on the security camera at home was my wife, who brought in a man in broad daylight and indulged in adulterous sex. Yumeno Aika

My wife was having an affair... at home... while I was at work... on a daily basis... almost every day... I will never forgive her. A friend of hers who works in business cried so hard that he installed a security camera without telling her wife. Her bonus was reduced and if I wasted it, she would get angry, so she kept quiet. When I checked what the footage from the security camera looked wife brought her mistress in and they had adulterous sex in broad daylight! ?
Add date:2023-07-31
Title:SSIS-796 自宅の防犯カメラに映っていたのは…白昼堂々とオトコ連れ込んで不倫セックスに溺れていた妻でした。 夢乃あいか
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