JUL-499 A training record of a dull civil engineering worker who fucked a married woman cabin attendant over and over again until she fell completely with aphrodisiacs and creampie. Shinoda Yu

Abe, a worker, was living a miserable life being yelled at by his younger seniors. Abe's only pleasure is watching Yu, a married woman CA, pass by in front of the scene. That day, Abe was fascinated by Yu as she headed to the airport, and came up with an idea. A few days later, Abe is sitting next to Yuu at his regular bar... Abe lies to Yu and approaches her, seizing an opening and seducing her with alcohol.
Add date:2023-11-02
Title:JUL-499 人妻キャビンアテンダントを媚薬と中出しで完堕ちするまで何度もハメまくった冴えない土木作業員の調教記録―。 篠田ゆう
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