He massaged her breasts and held her, calling it a treatment. Super breast lymphatic massage by a pervert chiropractor. Yuria Yoshine

I went to a chiropractic clinic with a reputation in the neighborhood for a sprained foot.It was rumored that the chiropractor's skills were good enough to relieve the pain, but I was concerned about the suspicious handling... On his second visit to the hospital, I was told that this is connected to his important streaks, so I treated him with unpleasant hands on the sensitive areas around his chest and between his crotches. Suddenly, he brought his face close to her and said, ``You're wet.'' The moment she relaxed, a thick rod that wasn't her fingers ran inside her vagina and loosened the spot. Her super breasts made a crackling sound and she climaxed loudly. [The front is a chiropractor. Behind the scenes is a physical trainer].
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