ZOZO-223 4th period of health and physical education at a co-educational school where men and women practice high-quality classes where men and women learn the differences between their bodies while naked.

Overly ambitious sex education learned from the bodies of beautiful classmates. The final lesson, the 4th period, was a summary with everyone participating. Make use of what you have learned so far and have sex with other students! The most humiliating experience awaits the J● students at the end of the hell curriculum. Create a pair with a boy and support his erection with hand jobs and fellatio. Raw sex from cunnilingus practice
Add date: 2024-03-11
Code: ZOZO-223
Title: 羞恥男女が体の違いを全裸になって学習する質の高い授業を実践する共学〇校の保健体育4時限目性交実技演習編