The guy who came in after me in the bathroom at a cosplay event was acting strange...Everything in the room was out of order, and he was fidgeting in front of the urinal, feeling something different, and when I looked at his crotch, I noticed that he didn't have a penis. ! ? ! When I said, ``Go to the women's bathroom!'', she said, ``Oh, I'm a man!'' and continued to urinate without hesitation.

A woman wearing men's clothes in the men's restroom at a cosplay event! ? The private room is out of order and the guy fidgeting in front of the urinal has no dick in his crotch! Even if I point it out, she insists, It's because I'm a man! But she can't hold back and pees! When the cosplay girl is seduced by such a figure and played with her whole body, she lets out her breath and feels it! I won't stop until we have sex in the toilet!